Friday, January 6, 2012

Modern Faucets

Okay, so I've fallen off the grid again.  I blame it on Turkey coma.  That's terrible of me, blaming the poor bird.  I take accountability, I got lazy.  But I'm back and I have to get some things off my to do list!  On of the top things that I need to do is get a new faucet.

I hate my kitchen faucet.  It's just so generic.  I want something with a pull down spout.  I had one at my old apartment and it made such a difference with regards to cleaning the sink and getting all the food into the garburator.  So my lovely parents got my a gift certificate to Home Depot to help me with that. 

Definitely not one of these:
Judge Judy says "That thing looks like my gavel.   Get this ugly thing out of my court!"

Okay got that out of my system.  I don't have a lot of room so those larger faucets for gourmet kitchens just won't work.  I also want something sleek and discreet.  The last thing I want is for people to come to a dinner party and immediately see the faucet.  It should complement the space.  People's reaction should be "oh, and this faucet... it's nice". What I want in this faucet:
  • Must be silver or chrome
  • Single handle
  • Cannot be more than 32 centimeters tall
  • Must have a pull down spout
  • Must be below $300
  • Easy to install cuz this gal is going to try to do it herself
Alas, I was shocked at the sticker prices...I won't even bother posting the prices.  Some of them cost more than my mortgage.  YIKES. - by Sinofaucet

The Decorating Diva - faucet by Blanco
Als Pics = faucet by KWC Ono

Home Depot - Faucet by Blanco

Faucet Direct - faucet by Moen

So far, no. 4 looks like it might be a winner.  It's in my price range, it's sleek and simple and I like the Blanco faucets.  Suggestions?


  1. It's okay, my friend. We all have our lazy days. It's good to know that you have your own requirements for a new faucet. Of course, it has to be lower than $300. There are many durable and elegant looking faucets that go as low as $300. So, have you bought a new one?

  2. Sorry, I didn't see this until now! Yes, I did end up getting a faucet for my bathroom and my kitchen. And got both of them for under $300 in total (I found out I had an inside connection to a great deal). I got something like this for my bathroom: and something similar to this faucet for my kitchen:

  3. thanks for this useful article, waiting for this article like this again.
    Kitchen Taps

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